A new play written by janis craft and developed with the teenagers on this blog.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

traveling the world, straining to hear voices

hello fine and fabulous people. my apologies for my absence here as of late. i have been traveling the world and am currently in chicago and shortly will be on my way to edmonton to focus solely on this play. since this play is going to be in nextfest and since it is also going to have a reading in edmonton on May 20, i really need to get those voices you've all been meaning to write. NOW would be great. thanks to Danny for kicking them off. i hope the rest of you will follow suite under that post titled VOICES.

this play already kicks because of everything you have given to it, as so wonderfully worded by Nathan in his recent comment on the draft post. i know it's going to just keep getting more and more beautiful and awesome.

keep your eyes looking up and your ears tuned to the echoes of the stars shooting across the sky.

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what a fantastic galaxy we formed! (the Nextfest crew)